The purpose of this standard is to facilitate the tendering of cleaning services in the Nordic countries.
This standard can be used as a tool for ensuring conformity with EU regulations and public regulations. The standard is intended to contribute to a well-functioning Nordic and European market for cleaning services.
This standard contains requirements and recommendations regarding the following:
- Tender enquiry
- Procedure and terms for submission
- System for evaluation of tenders
- Extent of the delivery
- Requirements for the provider
- Technical requirements
- Contractual aspects
- Evaluation guidelines, including specification of criteria.
This standard provides guidance on the conclusion and development of agreements in facility management (FM).
The standard highlights:
- essential elements in FM sourcing processes
- FM roles and responsibilities in sourcing processes
- development processes and structures of typical agreement models.
This document is applicable for:
- strategic processes related to service and support functions for the core business
- development of FM strategies
- development of facility service provision agreements covering both public and private agreements
- development of FM information systems
- FM education and research
- organizational development and re-engineering of core processes.
The standard also gives guidance on:
- types of agreement
- development, structure and contents of agreements
- clarification of definitions, where relevant.
The standard uses a methodical approach from a strategic level to an operational level with examples and checklists. The intention of using this sourcing approach is to contribute significantly to adding value and optimizing the operational costs for FM professionals and procurement, finance and senior management teams.
This standard covers the main phases, processes and governance aspects of outsourcing, independent of size and sectors of industry and commerce. It is intended to provide a good foundation to enable organizations to enter into, and continue to sustain, successful outsourcing agreements.
Standards give guidance on:
- good outsourcing governance for the mutual benefit of client and provider;
- flexibility of outsourcing agreements, accommodating changing business requirements;
- identifying risks involved with outsourcing;
- enabling mutually beneficial collaboration relationships.
This standard is intended to relate to any outsourcing relationship, whether outsourcing for the first time or not, using a single-provider or multi-provider model, or draft agreements based on services or outcomes. Processes mentioned in this International Standard are intended to be tailored to fit the specific outsourcing strategy and maturity of the client and provider organizations.
This international standard is intended to be used by companies, providers and others, such as:
- decision makers and their empowered representatives
- all stakeholders engaged in facilitating the creation and/or management of outsourcing arrangements
- staff at all levels of experience in outsourcing.
This guide is a useful tool for e.g. public purchasers of assistive products and architects who are to design bathrooms for residential care buildings or hospitals. It provides an overview of the areas of DS/ISO 17966:2016, Assistive products for use in personal hygiene – Requirements and test methods, to be taken into consideration by purchasers when specifying requirements in e.g. a tender. At the same time, the guide makes it easier to compare the different providers of assistive products.
The guide can also be used by therapists, installers and manufacturers who would like to know more about the information they need to communicate to the users of a product.
This standard is intended for parties wishing to draw up a maintenance contract. It offers headings which are not exhaustive and which the parties may or may not include, exclude, modify or adapt to their own contractual relationship.
The purpose of this standard is to:
- promote cross-border company/maintenance contractor relationships and produce a clear interface between the company and the maintenance contractor for maintenance services;
- improve the quality of maintenance contracts so that disputes and adjustments are minimized;
- increase focus on the extent of maintenance services and identify options for their provision;
- give assistance in, and advice on, the drafting and negotiation of maintenance contracts and in specifying arrangements in case of dispute;
- identify types of maintenance contracts and make recommendations for the attribution of rights and obligations between the parties to the contract, including risks;
- simplify comparison between maintenance contracts.
Moreover, the standard promotes to qualify all the involved competences, that is:
- personnel to whom it is required to increase competences, defined as knowledge, experiences and personal, social and/or methodological capacities;
-organizations, including those that have to require, offer or control the outsourcing maintenance activities that need to improve the effectiveness of their processes.
This guide describes the use of standards for the provision of goods, services and civil engineering works that are provided under the Danish Public Procurement Act.
It clarifies requirements for how to make reference to standards in connection with drawing up the technical specifications and what is to be understood by the standards referred to in section 41 (1) (2) of the Public Procurement Act.
The guidance touches briefly on the relation to section 43 on the use of standards, section 47 on test reports from conformity assessment bodies and section 48 on other appropriate documentation.
The document provides guidance in the field of procurement when reference is made to standards in one or more parts of the tender process.