Denmark takes an active part in the development of the Eurocodes. The work is conducted in the European Committee for Standardisation, CEN, of which Danish Standards is a member.
Since 2009, Eurocodes have been the basis of design in Denmark. Building authorities, construction product manufacturers and builders must therefore use this common basis. The Eurocodes are applied to strengthen the internal market within the field of construction.
Danish Standards has developed Danish 'easy-to-use' versions of the Eurocodes which include those parts of the system which make it possible to design most structures for daily uses.
The Danish National Annexes are the key to the application of Eurocodes in Denmark, both for buildings and bridge structures.
A list of answers to the most common questions regarding the Eurocodes.
The Danish Eurocode contact point is part of the EU Commission Eurocodes Helpdesk, which is operated by EU Joint Research Centre (JRC). This EU Eurocodes Helpdesk will support the further development of the Eurocodes through the capture of user feedback.
Here you can find a list of other EU countries who provide information on Eurocodes.