Also for those who do not know us. We work for worldwide businesses and entrepreneurs. For the patient in the hospital and the child in the playground. Our vision is to create growth in the corporate sector and quality in society. Standards are used widely, in small and large-scale production, in entirety and in detail, locally and globally.
Standards connect products with users and businesses with markets. They make it easier to produce, innovate, collaborate and trade on land, at sea and across borders. Because when we agree on the basic rules of the game, it becomes easier to trust each other. That is why standardization is also high on the political agenda. Because trust creates market access, competitiveness and growth.
This is where Danish Standards comes in.
As a communicator of standards and facilitator for standardization in Denmark, Danish Standards is deeply rooted in the Danish business community. Danish Standards provides a framework in which the business sector can meet on neutral ground and create a solid foundation for a future of growth.
Danish Standards is a commercial foundation. In short, this means that we channel any profits directly into societal activities from which we all benefit. Every year, Danish Standards enters into a target and performance plan with the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, which sets out the framework for, and objectives of the foundation's contribution to growth for the Danish corporate sector and quality for society.
The work to develop standards is undertaken by the national standards organizations – in Denmark by Danish Standards, the official standards organization. Danish Standards is thus a member of a number of European and international standards organizations on behalf of Denmark. You can read more about our memberships and international partners here.
Ecolabelling Denmark is an independent part of Danish Standards. Ecolabelling Denmark is responsible for the administration of the ecolabels, the EU Ecolabel and the Nordic Ecolabel, in Denmark. Moreover, it acts as an independent control board with regard to the ecolabels.
ETA-Denmark is a subsidiary of Danish Standards. It is an impartial body which prepares technical assessments and approvals regarding construction products and structures, water supply and drainage systems as well as verification of environmental technologies. ETA-Denmark is notified by the Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority and accredited by DANAK.