23. April 2020
There is an acute shortage of essential medical protective equipment and therefore many businesses are converting production for this purpose. To assist companies in the fight against COVID-19, Danish Standards makes a number of standards available free of charge so as to enable them to produce safe products.
These are standards for medical protective devices, including face masks, eye protection, gloves and other items of PPE.
In addition, Danish Standards also provides standards for business resilience free of charge. These standards can help businesses and organizations to establish processes to ensure that critical functions are protected. In addition, they can be used as a tool to ensure business continuity, resilience of business processes, deliverables and risk management. The standards are relevant for public as well as private organizations.
We have assembled the standards for medical protective equipment in one package, so all you need is to order this package. The package is supplied as a PDF file only. The other standards are to be ordered individually.
The standards can be ordered free of charge in the webshop until 1 April 2021.
The international standards bodies, ISO and IEC, have made additional standards available. You can find the standards on the ISO website.