You can register for our courses, conferences, and theme days in the following ways:
Via our website By telephone: +45 3996 6380
If only few registrations have been made, Danish Standards reserves the right to postpone or cancel the course. For this reason, please sign up in good time if you want to attend a course.
The price includes meals during the course period as well as course material, unless otherwise stated in the course description.
For every team of three people or more signing up simultaneously for the same event, a discount of 10 per cent will be applied.
If a different discount scheme is offered for the individual course, this will apply.
Members of S committees receive a 20 per cent discount on all courses and theme days, and the discount cannot be combined with other forms of discount.
Please note that registration is binding, and any cancellation is to be made in writing. You are free to cancel or move to another course until four weeks before the course begins. After that, and until five days before the course begins, 50 per cent of the course fee will be payable, and
after that, 100 per cent. If you have registered but cannot attend, you are always welcome to offer your seat to a colleague.
Danish Standards disclaims responsibility for changes in time, place, contents, price, and any printing errors.
If you do not want your data to appear on a list of participants, please contact our course department as soon as possible.