27. November 2023

Future EU legislation on AI and the important role standards play

See or rewatch this webinar where you will gain insight into the standards that are being developed for Artificial Intelligence and which will play a major role for the companies’ implementation of the demands laid down in the future AI Act.

Explore the insights from our recent webinar held on November 13th: "How can standards support the future European energy sector?" hosted by Danish Standard in close collaboration with the wind power working group including European stakeholders in wind power and standardization. The working group came together to provide input to the European Commission’s High-Level Forum on European Standardisation (HLF).

In this webinar, we delved into the primary challenges and sustainability developments within the wind power sector. It was discussed how standards can contribute to a more cohesive internal market and how standards should evolve to support the developments in the industry.


Louise Vølver
Louise Vølver EU-politisk seniorkonsulent | EU Policy Senior Consultant
International & EU Politik
E: lv@ds.dk
T: 39 96 61 74

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